
Bay area transit trip planner
Bay area transit trip planner

bay area transit trip planner

Customize your route: You won't have to sort through timetables - you can simply enter the date and time that you hope to arrive at your destination (or depart for the trip) and the trip planner will provide 3 options, showing the amount of time and number of transfers for each option, letting you easily select the most convenient trip.In addition to step-by-step trip planning you can also add additional parameters such as: less walking, less transfers, manually selected trip dates, and much more! Please see some of the below listed customer benefits. Once the trip is selected Google Transit will give step by step directions powered through Google Maps.

bay area transit trip planner

Google Transit allows you to input starting and ending locations of your trip and offers the top three alternatives, which you can ultimately select. Google Transit is a terrific tool that can be utilized much like driving directions for your car.

bay area transit trip planner

Our Trip Planner tool is built on top of Google Triple Planner tool, so you can take advantage of all features that Google Maps offer. To plan for a future trip, enter the desired date and time as well. You just need to enter the starting location and the destination location to plan for a trip that takes place now. Plan a trip using Trip Planner on our homepage. To download app on Andorid devices, go to Google Play store. To download app on iOS devices, go to Apple Store. The app can send notifications to your phone when your ride is approaching. You can also enter a starting address and a destination address to plan a trip the app will suggest you best route options. The Transit app can find your current location or you can type in an address, and the app will provide you arrival times for all routes served by the nearby bus stops. Download Transit App on your smart devices. We offer multiple tools that you can use to plan your trip around South Bay and greater Los Angeles area. Here at Torrance Transit we want to make your trip planning experience as simple as possible.

Bay area transit trip planner